
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Steele, Henry C
Intergrating markerting and distribution through customer service
Journal Name
Euro Asia Journal of Management
Pub. Info
Feb. 1995, No.8, pp. 5-17
Abstract : Distribution is recognised as a compoent of the marketing mix and it is distribution which delivers customer service. Distribution creates time and place utilities that will have a large impact on customers beyond mere availability. The quality of service that suppliers are able to offer is most important in obtaining and keeping customers. The level of customer service is a means to both differentiate the company from competitors and to gain competitive advantage. Paragraph Headings: 1. Problems in Hong Kong 2. Integration of marketing and distribution 3. Costs and benefits of service 4. Scope of customer service 5. Customer service policy 6. Transaction components 7. Customer service continues after the sale 8. Customer service is added value 9. Customer service research in Hong Kong 10. Customer complaints 11. Recommended action to be taken Tables: 1. Differences in perceived importance of customer service by suppliers and customers 2. Frequency distribution of different types of complaints Figures: 1. The costs and benefits of services 2. Components of customer service