
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Lei, Wai I; Arches, Antonio A
Social adjustment of expatriates in Macau: Evidence from the gaming industry
Journal Name
Euro Asia Journal of Management
Pub. Info
Dec. 2011, Vol.21, No.1/2, pp. 3-23
Social adjustment;Expatriates;Macau;Gaming industry
Abstract : The liberalization of Macau's gaming industry in 2001 has drawn many expatriates to the region, adding value and expertise into the workplace. Expatriate social adjustment in both work and social milieus is an issue to contend with for job fit and cultural adaptation. This study examines the social factors affecting the adjustment of expatriates working in Macau's gaming industry. The findings indicate that language ability and family adjustment are the most critical factors that influenced the expatriates' overall adjustment. In addition, co-worker and logistical support facilitated the expatriates' integration to their host organizations and enhanced their appreciation of the local culture. The study recommends a continuing acculturation program and language training for the expatriates and their family in order to enhance their social adjustment in Macau. Morever, host nationals who deal directly with expartriates should be trained how to effectively support the latter in their adjustment. Paragraph Headings: 1. Introduction 2. Literature review 2.1. International adjustment framework 2.2. Anticipatory factors 2.3. In-country factors 2.4. Individual factors 2.5. Job factors 2.6. Organizational factors 3. Methodology 4. Evidence from expatriates in Macau 4.1. Previous overseas experience 4.2. Language ability 4.3. Anticipatory factors affecting social adjustment 4.4. Relational skills 4.5. Individual factors impacting social adjustment 4.6. Role novelty 4.7. Job factors influencing social adjustment 4.8. Culture novelty 4.9. Organizational factors impacting social adjustment 4.9.1. Coworker support 5. Conclusion Tables: 1. Non-resident workers by place of origin(November 2010) 2. Demographic data of interviewees