
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Wang, Ting; Davia, Maria A; Gamez, Matias
Economic value of Spanish: migrants language skills and labour market outcomes in Spain
Journal Name
Pub. Info
Dec. 2017, Vol.11, No.1/2, pp. 28-41
Non Spanish-speaking immigrants;Economics of the language;Linguistic distance;Labour market achievements/outcomes
Abstract : The aim of this paper is to contrast some of main hypothese of Chiswick's Economics of the Language. Language skills amongst immigrants in Spain will be studied as detrerminants of diverse labour outcomes: being empoloyed at the moment of the interview, occupational status and monthly earnings. We explore the National Immigrant Survey in 2007 and pay paticular attention to the plausible endogeneity between language skills and labour market outcomes by means of a set of bivariate probit models. The most relevant results show that language skills of Non Spanish-speaking immigrants are negatively correlated with linguistic distance from their mother tongues to Spanish and have a positive (and mutual) impact on labour market outcomes. Paragraph Headings: 1. Employment achievements and linguistic competence 1.1. The Economics of the Language: the three E's 1.2. Empirical evidence 1.2.1. Fluency in the host country language 1.2.2. Returns to competencies in the destination country's language 2. The Spanish National Immigrant survey (NIS 2007) and the selected sample 3. The vector of linguistic distances 4. Multivaritate analysis: linguistic and labour market outcomes in non-Spanish speaking immigrants 5. Results of multivariate analysis 5.1. Fluency in Spanish language 5.2. Immigrants' labour market outcomes 5.2.1. Employment status at the moment of the interview 5.2.2. Determinants of occupational status and earnings 5.2.3. Dealing with endogeneity between linguistic and labour market outcomes 6. Conclusions Tables: 1. Composition the sample and incidence of good language skills in Spanish 2. Linguistic and labour market outcomes: results from bivariate probit model Figures: 1. Share of immigrants who declare speaking Spanish well or very well, by linguistic distance between their mother tongues and Spanish