
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Morais, Herbert V
The changing face of international law and the challenge to the legal profession
Journal Name
Pub. Info
Jun. 2007, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 118-124
international lawyer;international law;world bank;globalization
Abstract : This article discusses some of the dramatic changes that have taken place in the field of international law, which has witnessed the entry of new participants or subjects, the advent of new technologies and a proliferation of new and sophisticated international business and financial transactions. These developments present unique challenges for law practice. It is critical that lawyers everywhere need to retool themselves to address the variety of new legal issues that are increasingly arising in a transnational context so as to be able to more effectively assist their clients. The article illustrates the kinds of issues that have emerged by discussing the work of lawyers at the World Bank, which has one of the largest legal departments of any international organization. It then points to the parallel developments in law firms and corporate legal departments, which have reorganized themselves through globalization of their law practice and the establishment of virtual offices to service their clients. Paragraph Headings: 1. Introduction 2. The changing face of international law 3. The explosive growth of internationa institutions 4. Are lawyers today equipped to deal with new international responsibilities? 5. An illustration: the world of the international development lawyer 6. The other side of the coin: lessons for lawyers in the international arena