
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Lei, Ngan; Luo, Yi Fan
Subarachnoid hemorrhage during pregnancy : A case report
Journal Name
Pub. Info
2001年12月31日, Vol.1, No.4, pp. 271-273
Subarachnoid hemorrhage;Premature labour;Cerebral angiography;Angiographic embolization
Abstract : Subarachnoid Hemorrhage is a rare occurrence during pregnancy but often catastrophic, maternal mortality is high, and the primary approach is surgical. This is a 42-year-old multipara with severe headache and persistent frequent vomiting presented at 31 weeks' gestation, subarachnoid hemorrhage was found. She underwent a cesarean delivery with a health boy. Cerebral angiography revealed an aneurysm located at left carotic artery and angiographic embolization was done successfully. After that she was completely recover. Conclusion : Urgent surgical management for SAH during pregnancy is indicated, but sometimes conservative therapy is considered until the patient's situation is sstable. Angiographic emblization is an alternate approach. Paragraph Headings: 1. Introduction 2. Case 3. Discussion