
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Chan, Tanmui; Alice, Maia
Macau youth tobacoo survey(2000-2001)
Journal Name
Pub. Info
2004年12月26日, Vol.4, No.4, pp. 247-253
Global youth tobacco survey;Environmental tobacco smoke
Objective:This report describes the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of young people regarding tobacoo use, their exposure to environmental tobacoo amoke (ETS), pro-tobatoo as well as anti-tobacoo advertisment. Method:We conducted a multistage, school-based, two-cluster survey (n=2212, age=13-15 years) in government and private schools using a standardized questionnaire based on the Global Youth Tobacoo Survey (GYTS). Results:Prevalenc of ever smoking was 33.0% for boys and 23.4% for girls. One-third (33.6%) of never smokers and 45.8% of current smokers exposed to smoke from others in their home and more then 5 in 10 never smokers and almost 8 in 10 of current smokers exposed to smoke from others in public places. More than 50% of non-smokers and more than 57% of boys and girls saw a tobacco advertisement, and around 4.5% of them were offered free cigarettes from a tobacco company representative. Moreover, almost 6 in 10 young people buy their cigarettes from stores, and 9 in ten were not refused to buy cigarettes because of their age. Conclusion:One major problem in Macao that cannot be ignored is the increased use of cigarettes by young people, which will have long-term negative effects to the health care system in Macao. A small decline in smoking prevalence among youth could have a significant beneficial public health impact in reducing the number of adult smokers and consequently reducing morbidity and mortality caused by smoking related diseases in the future. Therefore, stronger intervention programs for community as well as adolescents and school-aged children should be established. Paragraph Headings: 1. Introduction 1.1. Situation worldwide 1.2. Tobacco use in Macao 2. Goals and objectives 3. Methods 3.1. Study design and sample 3.2. The questionnaire 3.3. Data collection 3.4. Data analysis 4. Results 4.1. Tobacco use 4.2. Schools and tobacco 4.3. Cessation 4.4. Environmental tobacco smoke 4.5. Knowledge and attitudes 4.6. Media and advertising 4.7. Access and availability 5. Discussion 5.1. Tobacco use 5.2. School curriculum 5.3. Cessation 5.4. Environmental tobacco use 5.5. Knowledge and attitudes 5.6. Exposure to media and advertising 5.7. Access and availability 6. Recommendations 7. Contributors Tables: 1. Present of students who use tobacco, Macao GYTS, 2001 2. School curriculum, Macao GYTS, 2001 3. Cessation, Macao GYTS, 2001 4. Environmnetal tobacco smoke, Macao GYTS, 2001 5. Knowledge and attitudes, Macao GYTS, 2001 6. Media and advertising Macao GYTS, 2001 7. Access and availability, Macao GYTS, 2001