
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Wu, Huai-Shen; Lei, OnTeng; Vieira, Orlendo
The prevention and treatment of lung cancer in Macau
Journal Name
Pub. Info
2001年6月26日, Vol.1, No.2, pp. 90-95
Objective: To further raise Macau's standards of prevention and treatment of lung cancer. Methods to investigate the prevention and treatment of lung cancer, and the material of mortality of population from 1988 to 2000 in Macau. Results The morbidity of lung cancer was 24.0/100,000 population. An average annual mortality was 21.9/100,000 from 1988 to 1998. The mortality of lung cancer was 19.4/100,00 in 1999, 22.1/100,000 in 2000. In CHCSJ hospital of Macau, the operative rate was 25%, the rate of chemotherapy was 33%, patients with adenocarcinoma lung cancer was 40%, squamous lung cancer wsa 25%. Postoperative 2-year survival was 80%. Conclusion to intensify popular science education about prevention and treatment of lung cancer, to increase the survival rate and postoperative 5-year survival. Paragraph Headings: 1. The epidemiology of lung cancer in the world 2. The epidemiology of lung cancer in Macau 2.1. Morbidity 2.2. Mortality 3. Prevention of lung cancer in Macau 3.1. The primary prevention(first-stage) 3.2. The secondary prevention(second-stage) 4. Diagnosis and Treatment of lung cancer in Macau 4.1. Generalize 4.2. Non-surgical treatment for lung cancer in Macau 4.3. Surgical treatment for lung cancer in Macau 4.4. The superiority of diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer in Macau 5. The proposition of prevention and treatment for lung cancer in Macau 5.1. To intensify the propaganda of pre-vention and treatment for lung cancer 5.2. Surveillance of epidemic prevalence and treatment of lung cancer 5.3. To implement the secondary prevention of lung lancer 5.4. To enhance academic activities on pre-vention and treatment for lung cancer Tables: 1. The world morbidity & mortality of malignancy & lung cancer 2. New cases & death cases of lung cancer in the developed & developing countries around the world 3. 1988-1998 Macau single category death rate ranking 4. 1988-1998 death cases & mortality for lung cancer in Macau(1/100,000) 5. The chemotherapy schedule for lung cancer in Macau 6. Thoracic surgery diseases & surgical operation in Macau government hospital (CHCSJ)