
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Wong, Kam Weng; Lau, Ngan Va; Luo, Yi Fan
The effort of prevention of cervical lesion in Macau from 1994-2000
Journal Name
Pub. Info
2001年12月31日, Vol.1, No.4, pp. 221-224
Preinvastive lesion;CIN;Papanicolaou (Pap) smear;Colposcopy
Objective : Summarized experience of over last seven years of prevention of cervical lesion, to further raise capacity of early diagnosis and early treatment of cervical neoplasm, and decline morbility and mortality of invasive cervical tumor in Macau. Methods : A retrospective study was performed by means of computerized database and medical records. We re-examined the cytologic results of 63,979 patients who underwent routine cytologic tests from January 1994-December 2000, with diagnosis of various grades of atypia, from ASCUS to HSIL and cancer. A histologic diagnosis with biopsy was carried out on a colposcopic basis in 898 cases from January 1997- December 2000. Sequent treatments for various cervical lesions were followed up, including endocervical curettage, LEETZ, conization, hysterectomy, etc. Results : (1) 94-2000 : the mean was 2.8% abnormal Pap smear in seven-year specimens. (2) On 2000: 4.43% abnormal Pap smear in 16,174 specimens. (3) 97-2000: 8.09% in 898 colposcopic examination with biopsy was CIN III & invasive carcinoma found. Conclusion : Nowadays Pap smear and colposcopic with biopsies are important examinations. These can early diagnose preinvasive lesions of the cervix and cervical carcinoma. Paragraph Headings: 1. Introduction 2. Materials and methods 3. Results 4. Discussion 5. Conclusion Tables: 1. Abnormal Pap smear of health center and CHCSJ Gyn OPD during 1994-2000 2. Cases of colposcopy between 1997-2000 3. CIN III treatment