
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Journal Name: 澳門研究

Holdings: 創刊號 (Jun 1988), no.1 (Sep 1993) - no.105 (Dec 2022)

Title Author arrow_drop_up Journal Name Date
"Z+Z intelligent education platform": A breakthrough in educational and technological development
Iong, Hoi Sun, Chao, Pek Kei 澳門研究 Aug. 2004
The service platform for economic and trade cooperation between China and Portuguese - speaking Countries
Ip, Kuai Peng 澳門研究 Oct. 2008
Valuing the economic benefits of black-faced spoonbill conservation in Macau
Jin, Jianjun, Wang, Zhishi 澳門研究 Jun. 2007
Studies of performance on a mathematics entrance examination for the University of Macau
Laffie, David, Zhao, Ping 澳門研究 Sep. 1993
Interaction between the insurance industry and the local economy
Lai, Neng 澳門研究 Dec. 2002
Development of public schooling after political transition of Macau
Lau, Cheng Man, Yuen, Pong Kau 澳門研究 Oct. 2008
Development of private schooling political transition of Macau: opportunities and threats
Lau, Cheng Man, Yuen, Pong Kau 澳門研究 Aug. 2009
Public consultation as a means to enhance policymaking - the need for Macau government to engage the public in the political process
Lei, Sao Iok 澳門研究 2009年10月
Redefining the concept of organization: public service reform in the globalized world and its implications for Macau
Lei, Wei 澳門研究 Dec. 2007
English language teaching in macau:Sharing, reflecting and innovating
Leong, Sao Leng 澳門研究 Mar. 2003

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