
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Journal Name: 澳門研究

Holdings: 創刊號 (Jun 1988), no.1 (Sep 1993) - no.105 (Dec 2022)

Title Author arrow_drop_up Journal Name Date
Golvers, Noel撰; 趙殿紅譯 澳門研究 2013年6月15日
Reform to transform growth into development
Gu, Xinhua, Li, Sheng 澳門研究 Jun. 2008
Gunn, Geoffrey C撰; 貢曉靜譯 澳門研究 2015年12月15日
Macau's economy: a re-evaluation of its past, present and future
Hao, Zhidong 澳門研究 Dec. 2006
Dependent development? Macau' s gaming industry: its problems and prospects
Hao, Zhidong 澳門研究 Apr. 2009
Grade retention and educational expectation: a study of 15-year-old high school students in Macau
Ho, Tin Lai, Chong, Kin 澳門研究 Aug. 2008
Hsia, Ronnie Po-Chia; 趙殿紅譯 澳門研究 2012年3月15日
Coexistence and seeking common ground while reserving differences: A core factor of Chinese traditional thought
Ieong, Sao Leong, Ieong, Wan Chong 澳門研究 Dec. 2003
Explore resources and integrate wisdom
Ieong, Wan Chong, Tang, On Kei, Iong, Hoi Sun 澳門研究 Oct. 2004
The modern concept of development and the system for guaranteeing development
Ieong, Wan Chong, Tang, On Kei, Iong, Hoi Sun 澳門研究 Aug. 2004

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