
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Journal Name: 鏡湖醫學

Holdings: no.15 (May 2002) - no.37 (Dec 2017), no.39 (Dec 2018) - no.45 (Dec 2021)

Title Author Journal Name Date arrow_drop_up
Fine needle aspiration cytology of pseudosarcomatous reactive proliferative lesions of soft tissue
Wong, Nim Lai 鏡湖醫學 May. 2002
Neurogenic pulmonary edema after subarachnoid hemorrhage
Lei, Iok Fai; Kwok, Yau Fong; Lai, Kai Seng; Kam, Lai Hou 鏡湖醫學 Oct. 2007
Radiotherapy for brain metastases
Qiu, Xi Bin; Xiao, Guang Li; Tsao, Shui Ying 鏡湖醫學 Oct. 2007

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